Monday, March 24, 2014

Rochester Collectible Card Games

Rochester Collectible Card Games

When a duelist enters a tournament, they expect one thing, a fun time. When a winning duelist enters a tournament they expect that the judges will be fair, know the rules, and be unable to be bought. This is the truth.

As of today, I'm giving a BAD review for this store, and if you keep reading, you'll know why.

I'm a duelist since day one. The day the first cards hit the shelves in America, I had them. I played the game, I loved the Anime, and I still do. I watched it's subbed version before the show was aired on American television thanks to the internet. I am a former judge. I judged over several tournaments in my early years before Yugioh Wikia became the standard for rulings. I am a former UDE rep. I demoed the product, got people to buy it, and loved everything about the game. I am former tournament runner, as for three years I ran the tournaments at the Irondequoit mall in Rochester New York. It was a non for profit tournament for those who couldn't make their way across the city every week to attend the ones held at Millennium. This was back in the days when Millennium was the standard. When Edward Fear owned it. It definitely was the golden age of the game.

Now that that's out of the way, allow me if I may, to tell you how things were run by Millennium games and hobbies during those years. I remember it fondly. Entering the store, you'd see a swarm of people, players of both Magic the Gathering, and Yugioh. The competition was intense, and the duels were honorable. There was a judge on staff, one that got paid to do his job. It was fun, it was competitive, it was clean. Yes there were thefts. Yes there was the occasional outburst of violence.

Let me tell you how it is now. Entering the store, you'd see a swarm of people, players of both Magic the Gathering, and Yugioh. The competition is not intense. The duels are rigged to who the judge favors. The judge is some kid who supposedly has his certification, who makes sure that only his friends win. It's boring, it's dull, and it's dirty. There are too many thieves. Don't even ask about the violence.

I personally cannot enter the store any longer, as it almost immediately kicks my claustrophobia into high gear. The storefront is now cramped, and confined as they've tried expanding into Video games and have tried to put their card games and hobbies on the back burner.

When you Asked EDWARD FEAR about a ruling, he'd know, back in the day. He knew the game like the back of his hand, and could make an accurate calling, and he could tell you the value of a card off of the top of his head. HE KNEW HIS JOB AND DID IT. He may have been a complete asshole, talking down to everyone, but honestly, I can see past that. He was an honorable man who I will miss being in the industry. He set the standard, and his replacement falls short, by about a thousand miles.

Let's look at the current owner. His name is Terry. Refuses to be photoed, interviewed or asked questions. Doesn't know shit about the game, and is obviously only in the business to make money. You can't get to know the guy, because he doesn't talk. He tries not to deal with anyone but his employees and where Ed may have talked down to you, Terry doesn't talk at all.

After dealing with Terry, I definitely miss Ed.

Parents, Teens, Young Adults, Adults, This is my call to you. Before I give those final memorable words.


I was going to bring this report to you, after revisiting the store. I was going to attend a tournament there, but honestly, I was stopped dead in my tracks. As I was fully informed of the situation there by a group of duelists that caught me outside the Avengers movie on its opening night.

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