Useful Tips on Marketing Your iPhone App
Congratulations on successfully creating your Apple iPhone app and even more importantly, on getting it approved by the Apple App Store. The next step you need to think of is to promote your iPhone app and make the maximum profit from the sales of this app. While general app marketing techniques are more or less the same across the entire range of mobile devices and platforms available today, the App Store deserves special treatment, as it is a huge store that includes mobile apps in every imaginable, probable category. Marketing your iPhone app in such a way as to make it stand out among them all is quite a Herculean task.
Mobile App Marketing Strategies for Success
Promote App in the iTunes App StorePromoting your app in the iTunes app store is one step you should never neglect, as it may well prove to be the single most influential factor in bestowing you success in this app marketplace.
It is a fact that the most avid iPhone users are constantly on the lookout for newer apps for their iPhone and iPad. These users would most probably visit the iTunes App Store to get useful information on the latest apps. This is the reason why focusing on this app store is so important to you.
Hire a Professional Developer to Create Apple iPhone Apps
Focus on Making Your App AppealingSince the iTunes App Store is a veritable gateway for you to make good profits with your iPhone app, you should focus on making the app most appealing to visitors. For this, the overall appearance of the app must be effective enough to generate a good conversion rate among visitors, that is, to rope in as many customers as possible. The following is what you should do in order to enhance app appearance and make it more engaging for your visitors:
As we have seen before, properly naming your app is one of the most important steps in achieve success with app marketing. Your app name should be such that it describes the function of your app, cleverly including the keyword within itself. A good app name is the first and foremost thing to get your app featured prominently in the latest app listings.
The app description should be clear and concise, stating the exact purpose for which your iPhone app has been created. This description should be keyword rich as well. You should also feature clear photos and video previews of your app, so that potential users get a good idea about the same.
Next, get as many customer reviews on your app. The more the positive reviews, the more are the chances of your app being featured repeatedly in the app store listings. The best way to get started with this is to share your app among family and friends, asking them to post their reviews online.
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Submit App to iPhone Review SitesMany iPhone developers tend to overlook this simple but very effective technique to further promote their app and give it most visibility in the marketplace. App review sites are nice locations to feature your app for free, as also get your much needed user reviews for your app.
Though this technique does not guarantee instant app popularity, it does give you one more way to get your app that precious little piece of attention from visitors to such sites. Besides, this is a place which offers you an additional opportunity for link building to your mobile app Website, in case you have already created one.
Best iPhone App Review Sites for Developers
Social Network and Website Banner AdsMost app developers typically concentrate on promoting their apps via the various social networks today. While this may be able to bring in a few users for your app, it cannot be the primary vehicle for app promotion. For instance, advertising on social Websites such as Facebook can prove to be very expensive for you. Not only that; not too many users are particularly interested in clicking on the ads placed on such Websites. Hence, advertising on these sites may not be worth the time, effort and money taken for the same.
The same is the case for banner advertising. Unless you are already a well established app developer, who has won accolades with many apps in the past, the chances are that not many visitors on social networks will want to click on your ad. Nevertheless, it may help generate a certain minimum amount of sales for you.
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In ConclusionIn conclusion, though marketing via social networks and mobvertising certainly enable you to make money to some degree, the most important step towards successfully marketing your iPhone app would be to feature it in the iTunes App Store and also try and gather the maximum possible amount of positive user reviews for the same.
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